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TGD Health 

AusPATH is the national peak body representing, supporting, and connecting those working to strengthen the health, rights and wellbeing of all trans people – binary and non-binary.

AusPath Provider List

Find local psychologists, doctors, nurses, speech pathologists, psychiatrists and other health professionals  

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Trans Health Research conducts research with one goal: to provide robust evidence to improve the health and wellbeing of trans and gender diverse communities. Every question we ask, every project that we do, every collaboration that we start, is aligned with our goal and must translate to better health and advocacy for our communities.

Professional Resources

Trans Health Research have collated information, resources, and training modules useful to professionals working in trans health, and professionals looking to make their work more inclusive for trans and gender diverse people.

Community Resources

This page provides information for trans and gender diverse people and the people in their lives. These lists are not exhaustive. QLife and Ask Izzy are excellent avenues for finding services and resources specific to your personal circumstances and location.


​We are proud to bring you TransHub, ACON’s digital information and resource platform for all trans and gender diverse (TGD) people in NSW, our loved ones, allies and health providers.

Find a doctor 
Finding a doctor who supports you, and your gender affirmation goals can be difficult. Many trans and gender diverse people report negative and in some cases harmful experiences with health professionals, this can be especially tough for people who are non-binary.
Trans Vitality Toolkit  
Trans Vitality has been made possible with the support of the NSW Ministry of Health’s Suicide Prevention team, our trans advisory group and yarning circle, co-design and clinical consultation groups, the many wonderful people throughout ACON and the wider LGBTQ+ community in NSW.

logo_350x100-1.png, the community-led national directory of trans and gender diverse services. We’ve been busy building our directory for a few months now, taking submissions and reaching out to every organisation and community group to double check information and ensure that our information is as accurate as possible.

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